Giving In

Notes: This ficlet was written for Duckpuppy because she is going to draw me another Sev/Siri pic and asked for some Draco/Sev in return :)

Strong arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders while the lithe Seeker's body climbed his. Straddling Severus' thighs at a rather awkward angle given to the fact that the Potions Master was still sitting in the chair behind his desk, Draco pressed himself closer until his forehead touched that of his teacher.

"Stop fighting this," he murmured, his hot breath tickling the older man's skin. "I know you want it as much as I do."

For some unknown reason, his arms felt like lead. Try as he might, he could not raise them to push that warm body away. "Draco..." Slowly, one of his hands came off the armrest, only to end up on his student's back. "This is wrong. Your father would have my hide..."

"Father has disinherited me, as you know very well." A sad tone had crept into the young man's voice at the mentioning of his parent. But in his eyes only determination could be seen. "I'm now number three on You-Know ... on Voldemort's 'most wanted' list. Right after Potter and Dumbledore." And strangely enough it filled him with pride now - to be mentioned in one sentence with those two. Not that he and Potter would become best friends any time soon...

"Tell me you didn't do it because of me, and these feelings you believe you have..." A finger was gently placed over his lips, effectively silencing him.

"I know what I feel, Severus." Draco held his breath. This was the first time he'd used Snape's name since confessing. But those black eyes didn't fill with anger. Quite the contrary. The normal coldness of Severus' gaze gave way to warmth. Unable to hold back a relieved sigh, the blond continued. "And although finding out about your true allegiances did influence my decision, it was seeing the proud Lucius Malfoy bow to a madman, and a Mudblood, that made me go to Dumbledore."

The finger that had stopped him from speaking disappeared. Instead, two hands cupped his face, thumbs massaging his cheeks. Severus had known that he had lost the battle the moment Draco had entered his office that night. He could no longer make himself believe that his feelings for his godson were still those of a father. And he couldn't deny himself the comfort promised by the strong body resting against his. Reaching for his wand, he pointed it at the door, locking it and placing a silencing charm on the room.

Steel-grey eyes, that seemed to be able to see into the very depth of his soul, lit up with joy. The words 'thank you' were whispered against his mouth before those soft lips took his in a passionate and yet so tender kiss.