Slytherin Influence

Notes: This is the 2004 Christmas ficlet for Duckpuppy and Undomiel :)

One final swipe of James' tongue did the trick, and Sirius was spilling himself into the moist cavern that was his lover's mouth. And James drank down everything he was given, or would have if only...

"Hey, you two," Remus' voice could be heard through the heavy curtains, "Hurry up. Oh, and James ... don't stuff your face too much. You know that Dumbledore expects us to eat all of the Christmas dinner..."

How did he do it? With much sputtering and choking, James covered Sirius' stomach and the bed linens with the contents of his mouth. Sirius had started to giggle helplessly, and, as soon as James had calmed some, he glared at his lover. "Very funny, Black!"

Sticking his head through the curtains, he spat out, "You are a goner, Lupin. And it won't be pretty, I promise."

Remus, shaking with laughter, could not answer. Instead, the blond Slytherin holding the werewolf did. "Over your dead body, Potter. Anyway, how were we to know that you were at it again? Let's see, that would be the forth time today." Turning to Remus, Lucius whispered, "If this is the legendary Gryffindor stamina, love, why don't you have it as well?"

Behind James, Sirius groaned. "Please spare us, Malfoy. It's not Remy's fault that you can't get it up more than twice a day."

This was Remus' cue to push his lover out of the room. Before the door closed behind them, however, he said, "For your information, Siri. I had to fend him off today when he started ogling me after our fifth round." Then the door closed with a 'bang', and James and Sirius were again on their own.

"I so didn't need to know that," Sirius whimpered. "You know, Jamie, I think you were right. The Slytherin influence is bad for our sweet Remy."

James nodded, and rose to his feet. "This calls for retribution. Are you in?"

With a wicked gleam in his eyes (the one that would send Snape running), the black haired youth winked at his lover, "Always. And you know how much I like to be in..."