Translation of Elvish: Calen Glad - Green Wood, elvish name of Mirkwood. Nín anoriel - my sun-maiden. Seron vell - beloved. Cuilen - my life. Faeren - my soul. Melin chen - I love you. Melethen - my love.

Chapter 2 - Insecurities

"So you understand that it has to be her own decision to forsake her mortal life here in Arda to be with you for all eternity?" The Lady of the Wood sat on a small bench on the forest floor. Haldir paced in front of her, still pondering on everything Galadriel had told him. It was so simple, and yet... What if Éowyn would not consent? Or worse, if she did only to find that eternal life amongst the elves was not what she wanted?

Galadriel saw the worry in the March Warden's eyes and softly added, "But she will, rest assured. I have never witnessed a love this great before. Except perhaps once..." Her eyes turned distant, a veil of memories clouding her vision. She saw two souls bound by destiny, torn apart by circumstances. Circumstances she herself had created. She could still feel the pain of the two, could still see one of them falter and in the end almost break. The other turned to stone, unfeeling, cold...

Shaking her head she brought herself back to the present. "You should take her to Imladris, and Calen Glad. Introduce her to our brethren. Show her the wonders of the three elven realms in Arda. Only then tell her... But do not be anxious, she will not forsake you. She loves you." Galadriel smiled and raised herself to stand in front of the Chief Guardian. "Legolas and Gimli are coming hither." Hearing the dwarf's name made Haldir shudder. He could not understand how the Prince of Mirkwood could ever befriend such a creature. A dwarf!

"Haldir, do not judge by outward appearance. Gimli has earned our friendship, long before he even came here for the first time. Judge him by his deeds, not his race." Galadriel chuckled lowly as she saw the other's fair face contort. Would he ever let go of his pride to an extend that enabled him to see things for what they really were? Without the help of others? How close had he been to losing the one true love, and only because of his inability to think straight when hurt.

"So, Legolas and Gimli are travelling to Caras Galadhon and should reach us within a week. You will travel with them to Thranduil's realm. From there you will later journey to Imladris." Haldir nodded, still contemplating on the prospect of travelling with the dwarf. "You may leave now. Tell Éowyn that the Prince will be joining us soon. She will be happy to hear..." Haldir bowed and kissed his Lady's hand. He had just turned around to seek out his beloved when Galadriel called after him, "And I expect you to treat our guests with the greatest hospitality possible." She could hear him grinding his teeth, but he nodded nevertheless. When he was out of earshot she laughed aloud. This would be amusing to watch. Quickly she ascended the winding stairs in search for her husband. There were things she needed to discuss with him.


Éowyn had left Míriel a few hours ago. She felt the need for solitude. True, the elves were friendly and always eager to help her. And yet she could feel a distance between her and them that grew larger with each passing day. Especially the young elf-maidens were almost treating her with contempt. It had taken her some days until she had figured out the reason for it. Of course, they all had hoped that Haldir might turn to one of them. And now she had stolen him. Worst of all was the fact that she was a human, mortal.

Míriel did her best to cheer Éowyn up, seeing the change in her husband's brother. Telling her friend again and again that only she could have brought along this change. Her heart went out to the proud Lady of the Rohirrim, seeing how eager she was to learn more about the life amongst the elves, and most of all their language. And Éowyn was a fast learner, an ardent student. Soon she had mastered the simpler grammar and moved on to more complex structures. Causing Míriel to stare at her in awe.

Éowyn had liked Orophin's wife from the first moment on. And now they were almost like siblings. And yet... There were things she could never share with her. Things Míriel simply couldn't understand. The fear she felt whenever one of the young elf-maidens spoke with Haldir, making him laugh with them. She felt foolish. Still, now she could understand Haldir better. His jealousy at seeing her with Aragorn. Her heart told her it was folly, that Haldir would never feel anything for any of these girls. Still a battle raged within her...

She had ventured out of the city of the trees and found herself in a small glade not too far from Caras Galadhon. A small, secluded glade Haldir had shown her on the second day since they had arrived in Lórien. His secret place where he went when he needed to be alone. He had shared it with non-other until then and her heart had leapt at hearing these words.

Now she sat by the small brook that glinted in the light of the sun. She did not hear the soft steps behind her and only realised the presence of another when strong arms circled her waist. "Nín anoriel." His breath against her neck made her shudder involuntarily. "I should have known that I would find you here." Éowyn turned to face her love, eyes locking. "Míriel told me what happened..."

A young elf maid had asked Míriel about Haldir, not even acknowledging Éowyn's presence. She had told Míriel how much she looked forward to seeing him on the feast that would soon take place. 'Seeing him alone,' she had whispered, loud enough for Éowyn to hear. She had tried to brush it aside, smiling weakly at Míriel. But to no avail. She had practically run from the talan of Orophin, only longing to get away.

"She is a fool, she never stood any change. Not even before I met you. And now..." He gently kissed Éowyn's forehead. "Seron vell, they could never compare to you." Softly he stroked her cheeks. "My Lady sends word to you. Legolas is coming here," and with a sigh he added, "and so is the dwarf." Éowyn grinned, "So you still don't like him, do you? To me, on the other hand, he'll always be a friend. He fought with us at Helm's Deep and if for nothing else he deserves our gratitude for this." Her features darkened, "About the other thing ... I now know what it felt like, seeing me and Aragorn. I was blind, unable to see your fear..."

"I do not fear anything!" Haldir let go of her and started to pace. "Of course not. Then why, pray tell, did you react the way you did?" Éowyn stood and gripped the elf's wrist, forcing him to face her. "I have seen you as weak as can be, and still I don't hold it against you. To be depended upon another is not a weakness, quite the contrary. It takes a great amount of courage." And pulling all her strength together she continued, "I need you, I depend upon you. Cuilen, faeren. I couldn't bear to lose you to one of them." She gesticulated towards Caras Galadhon.

"That you will never do." He took her hands in his. "Melin chen, Éowyn. Forever..." To himself he added, 'You will be with me for all eternity, if you should wish for it.' Galadriel's words had calmed the turmoil of his feelings, but had also kindled a new dread. What if Éowyn did not wish for it as much as he did? What if she refused to forsake her life in Middle-Earth? But as he looked into her eyes, seeing her love for him, he knew. They would be together, forever. And finally he knew how this would be possible.

Suddenly he started to grin, sending a frown over Éowyn's face. "Haldir?" He drew her into his arms, holding her tightly. "How would you feel about travelling to Mirkwood with Legolas? And later on to Rivendell?" Her features lit up, a smile spreading over her lips. "I should like that very much indeed, melethen. Was it this that you discussed with Galadriel?" He nodded. Well, in a way it was after all. "I will miss Lothlórien, but I'm also anxious to see the other elven realms. And Legolas wanted to show me..." she tried to recall the exact words of the Prince, "the glory of Mirkwood," she finished with a wicked grin.

"Glory of Mirkwood, yes, I should like to see that as well," Haldir retorted, stopping her from responding by covering her lips with his. How he longed to ask her, right now. But it would have to wait. Galadriel was right. This was nothing he could rush into. Softly they slid down onto the grass, finally lying in each other's embrace. Éowyn rested her head on Haldir's chest, fingers playing with his silvery hair. She felt safer than ever before, here in the Golden Wood, in her lover's arms. Nothing could ever tear them apart, not anymore...