Notes: Co-written with Undomiel as I really can't write explicit slash. Oh, and the pairing in this interlude is Glorfindel / Elrohir *grin*

Translation of Elvish: Estel - hope; Elvish name of Aragorn. Mellonen - my friend. Peredhel - half-elven. Meldir - friend. Tôren - my brother. Melethen - my love. Pen-neth - young one.

Interlude - Two-Hour Version

The evening sun was bathing Imladris in a golden light when Glorfindel made his way up the front steps and to the rooms he shared with Elrohir. He had left soon after the two lovers had informed Estel of Legolas' impending arrival. He was Elrond's Seneschal after all, so at times he had to take care of Imladris' safety. Though, compared to his life in Gondolin, the peaceful valley held little dangers, so he could afford to spend much of his time indulging in other things.

Finding the chambers empty, he quickly shed his armour and changed into more comfortable robes. Finally on his way to the dining room, he almost ran into Gildor, who was busy straitening his clothing, his hair still a tangled mess. When the Elda saw the blush that graced the dark-haired elf's features, he could not help himself but tease the younger one, curious if he could make the blush deepen even more.

"Gildor Inglorion, what a pleasant surprise. You returned earlier than we anticipated." Gildor had travelled to Lothlórien to inform the Lord and Lady of some decision of Elrond's. All he knew about it was that it somehow concerned Celebrían and Thranduil, but Glorfindel had not wasted a moment pondering what exactly Elrond had decided. Obviously it made Erestor happy, and that was enough for the Balrog Slayer. "We were about to send for you because Lindir's songs grew more melancholic with each passing day. I do not know how much longer we could have borne it..."

Oh yes, the blush could deepen indeed. Gildor had now turned a brilliant red that even extended to the tips of his pointed ears. Softly he whispered, "I do not know what you mean," his eyes trying to evade the Balrog Slayer's. Glorfindel just chuckled and, placing a strong hand on the other's shoulder, he said, "Have it your way then. But be warned, the whole of Imladris already knows, so there is no way of keeping it a secret anymore."

Leaving a blushing and slightly shaky Gildor behind, Glorfindel reached the door to the dining room. Taking his usual seat at the high table, his azure eyes fell upon his lover, who gave him a weak smile in greeting. His stormy grey eyes, usually shining with love and a healthy amount of mirth, appeared sad, as if the Peredhel was troubled by something. But as dinner had already commenced, he could not inquire after Elrohir's worried state.

As he later sat in the Hall of Fire, listening to one of Bilbo's many songs, he remembered that there was something he needed to ask his mate. However, seeing him in a conversation with his twin and foster brother, he changed his mind and approached Elrond's Chief Advisor instead.

"You look happy, mellonen," he smiled at the raven-haired elf, "and so does our dear Elrond. I believe we have you to thank for that..." He had meant to leave it at that, but seeing the other's cheeks colour, he went on. Oh yes, he felt a little wicked today. "And of course the fact that Thranduil of all people will soon honour us with his presence is your doing, I am sure..."

"How do you know?" As Elrond was still considering how to behave with the Mirkwood king around, he had not yet announced that he, too, would soon arrive at Imladris. In place of an answer, Glorfindel only gestured towards Elrohir and winked at Erestor, who sighed, "I should have known that not even eavesdropping would be beneath the two of you." Suddenly his blush deepened as he remembered what he had heard in the gardens that very afternoon. Luckily Glorfindel had not noticed as his eyes were once again upon Elrohir, blazing with love for the young Peredhel.

"His is worried, they both are..." Seeing his friend's questioning gaze, he continued, "Estel is afraid he might lose the Prince now that his wife is with child. In turn, this made Elrohir wonder about the strength of your relationship. He is terrified, thinking you might find someone else, if only to raise an heir..." Calm obsidian eyes studied widening blue. "Do not let him suffer so, for I know you would never ever give him up for another. He is to you what Elrond..." Quickly he covered his mouth with his hand.

That low chuckle and the teasing twinkle in the blond's eyes did not bode well. "What Elrond is, and always has been, to you." Taking hold of the other's hand, his tone turned serious, "Worry not, meldir. I shall make sure to put any doubt Elrohir might harbour to rest." With that he squeezed the Advisor's hand. Letting go of it, he turned and, catching his lover's eye, flashed him a brilliant smile and left the Hall. Suddenly there were many things he had to take care of before the night grew much older.


Elrohir had been one of the last to leave the Hall of Fire. When Glorfindel had departed, Elladan had given his brother an encouraging smile and murmured, "The long version? Oh tôren, the Valar must hate you." Soon after that, he had left with one of the many elf-maidens who seemed to be drawn to him like a moth to the flame.

Eventually Elrohir found himself alone with his father and Erestor. As usual, Bilbo had fallen asleep in front of the fire and would not wake up before breakfast time. The moment the two elder elves sat down on a couch together, Elrohir fled the scene. Oh yes, he was happy for his father and former tutor, but he did not need to see them together. Shuddering at the thought of what they would be doing now in the deserted Hall, he considered a short stroll in the gardens. The moon was out, and the night was still warm. However, that would only delay his punishment, and Elrohir had never been a coward. Well, maybe that one time when Elrond had taken his sons to the river to teach them to swim...

So he slowly made his way through the corridors of the Last Homely House to find himself sooner than he would have liked in front of the door to his chambers. Sighing, he took hold of the door handle and pushed the door open.


Glorfindel had not been idle. The chambers were now bathed in soft candlelight, the scent of roses filling the air. Oh yes, he had planned to torture his lover a little with his famous Balrog tale, but assuring the young half-elf of his love was more important. How could Elrohir even think he would ever leave him? Did he not know how much he meant to the Balrog Slayer?


After returning from the Halls of Waiting, Glorfindel had, for the first time, felt utterly alone. Friends and family, all were dead and gone. Elrond's offer to live at Imladris had been the only ray of hope in a dark world. Every night, dreams of Gondolin and its fall haunted him. Time and time again he witnessed Ecthelion fight the hopeless battle against Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs; saw his friend perish only because he had not reached his side on time. Each morning he felt drained and knew that before long he would lose the will to fight his demons.

But then something remarkable had happened. Celebrían had given birth not to one, but two beautiful elflings. Glorfindel, by then Seneschal of Imladris, loved them both as if they were part of his own family. Especially the younger, wilder Elrohir could make Glorfindel forget, if only for a moment, the terrors he saw at night.

That day he had come to him, tears in his eyes, claiming Elladan had been mean to him, was still vivid in his mind. After inquiring after the elder twin's actions, Elrohir had answered, "Well, you see, Glorfy, I managed to take him prisoner and tied him to a tree. But he still refuses to admit that I am better than him."

Yes, Elrohir had always managed to bring a smile to his lips, as if he knew instinctively just when Glorfindel was in dire need of some distraction from his nightly visions.

And then... Elrohir had finally come of age and the first thing he had done was seek out the Elda. Glorfindel could still see him standing in front of him, shaking like a leaf in the wind. But his voice had been steady when he informed Glorfindel that he thought, no, knew that he had certain feelings for his father's Seneschal. Glorfindel had sent him away, telling him that he was still young and was probably confusing friendship with love. But deep in his heart, the blond elf knew he was lost. That he, too, loved. But how could he burden the young Peredhel with the hell he lived in?

He fought the younger twin, knowing it was a losing battle. But he was determined not to drag Elrohir down with him... Yet the Valar seemed set on making him follow his heart. The day of the orc attack ... Elrohir and Elladan fighting alongside the guards of Imladris. However, they were still young and so it happened that neither saw the huge orc closing in on Elrohir. The moment he raised his sword to strike down the Peredhel, Glorfindel threw himself in front of Elrohir, taking the blow. Never again would he witness one he loved die before his very eyes...

The blade had been poisoned, as many orc weapons were, and for long days Glorfindel stood with one foot in Arda and with his other in Mandos' Halls. It was Elrohir who pulled him back. Hoping beyond hope the young half-elf bound himself to the Balrog Slayer, challenging Námo himself. Of course, the Vala had not seemed to be very reluctant to send Glorfindel back, but that was beside the point.

The moment his eyes opened again, only to meet Elrohir's, he felt that Elrond's son had done something incredibly stupid. Why would he willingly fight for him? Why would anyone care? There was but one way to safe Elrohir. Pushing him away, belittling his feelings... Elrond understood, or did he? At least the Lord of Imladris had beseeched him not to give in to the folly that had taken hold of his son.

But with each passing day he had to witness the young Peredhel wither and fade more and more, saw his sad eyes, bloodshot from sleepless nights. His nightmares, still troubling him whenever he closed his eyes, changed. No longer did he have to see Gondolin in Morgoth's claws. Instead he saw himself, standing in front of the marble statue of a young elf, long hair falling over stony shoulders. A dark-haired figure knelt in front of it, and when Glorfindel reached out to touch his companion, he found himself face to face with Elladan, his sobs breaking the quietness around them...

Only then did he finally seek out the one who had so willingly bound himself to the mere shadow of what he had once been. When he first embraced Elrohir in the rose garden of Imladris, he felt, for the first time in his new life, safe and at home.


Was it possible that Elrohir did not know Glorfindel owed his happiness to him? All those nights, the Peredhel had held him while he was tortured by his memories; had insisted to hear the true story of Gondolin's fall, one that he had not even shared with Elrond or Erestor. Only this had made him remain sane, though of course, half of Imladris seriously doubted the Balrog Slayer's sanity.

Elrohir was his everything, and if Glorfindel had anything to say in the matter, he would remain by the Peredhel's side until the end of all living things. And tonight, he would show the half-elf just how much he loved him...


The first thing that caught Elrohir's attention as he opened the door was the sweet scent of roses floating towards him. Opening the door wider, he stepped inside, uncertain of what he might find, but nonetheless enjoying the treasured fragrance. He had always been especially drawn towards roses, and he loved to walk in his father's rose garden for hours, letting the day's worries fall off his shoulders as the delightful scent soothed and comforted him.

Once Glorfindel had finally given in to his feelings for the younger elf, his lover had accompanied him many times, and he cherished these memories.

Elrohir suddenly realised that he had been standing just inside the room for several minutes with his eyes closed, his back resting against the door, lost in his musings. His curiosity returning once more, he took a few steps forward until he was able to survey the whole room, and what he saw made him stop in his tracks, stunned.

The whole room was awash with the lights of countless candles, sitting on every surface and bathing the room in a soft golden glow. The sheets on the bed had been replaced by what appeared to be pure silk of a deep golden colour, and on top of them lay sprinkled rose petals, which looked even softer than the silk they rested on.

Unable to truly comprehend what his eyes were showing him, Elrohir wondered if he had fallen asleep somewhere and this was just a dream. His racing thoughts suddenly came to a standstill, though, as his roaming gaze came to rest on the open window, and the figure standing in front of it.

There, bathed in Ithil's soft glow, stood Glorfindel. For a moment Elrohir was unsure if his mind was deceiving him, but then his lover turned around, and all doubts left the younger elf's mind as his love took a step forward and was now fully illuminated by the moons silvery light.

His nude form was surrounded by his long golden hair, which cascaded loosely down his back and shoulders in silken waves. In the soft moonlight his powerful built was highlighted beautifully, making his body appeared like a fine marble statue.

Elrohir would have been utterly content to just stand there for hours, gazing at the vision before him in silent wonder. Glorfindel, however, appeared to have other plans. Slowly he approached, his movements graceful and flowing as he came closer, and Elrohir felt entranced, unable to move as he stared at his lover with wide eyes.

Bewilderment was apparent on his face as the blond elf came to stand close to him, invading his personal space and raising a hand to softly stroke a finger down the side of the younger elf's face.

"Glorfindel, what..." was all he could manage before his lover's finger on his mouth silenced him. Shaking his head softly, the Balrog Slayer leaned in close until his lips were next to Elrohir's ear, and the Peredhel felt a delicious shiver run down his spine as a tongue darted out to tenderly lick at the lobe.

"I changed my mind, melethen," Glorfindel began in a gentle whisper, the soft gust of air as he spoke causing another shiver to run up Elrohir's spine. "I can tell you about my...adventures another time. This evening is for you; to show you how much you mean to me, how much I love you."

As Glorfindel drew back to look at him, Elrohir opened his mouth once more, trying to speak, but his lover silenced him with a kiss so passionate that it sent small shocks throughout the half-elf's entire body. Elrohir clutched at his lover as he felt his knees go weak, and for the first time he became fully aware that Glorfindel's naked body was pressing against his fully clothed one.

Astonished at how much this simple fact excited him, Elrohir gave in to the kiss as his hands started roaming about his lover's strong back and finally buried themselves in the loose waves flowing down Glorfindel's shoulders.

Elrohir had always loved Glorfindel's hair, the way it shone like spun gold in the sunlight, how it surrounded his lovers beautiful face like a glowing halo when it was spread across the pillow, or when the wind played softly with the silken strands, making them caress his flawless skin.

Elrohir was brought out of his reverie as he felt hands slide up his arms and to his chest. They stopped at his nipples and proceeded to caress the hardening nubs through the fabric of his robe, creating a delicious friction that made Elrohir moan softly into the kiss. He could feel his lover's mouth quirk into a teasing smile even as the kiss went on, and with a small sigh he decided to give in to the other's game. If Glorfindel was in a playful mood, he might as well just surrender, for nothing could stop a Balrog Slayer on a mission.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned back slightly and gazed into Glorfindel's shining eyes. He had rarely seen his lover like this; ready to seduce him all over again. Oh, their lovemaking could be as gentle as it was passionate, but as he saw the love and adoration reflected in the azure orbs, he felt something pool in the pit of his stomach which he had not experienced for some time.

Butterflies appeared to have taken up residence inside him, and his heart started beating faster as he recognized the sensation. It was like being in love for the first time again. Eyes full of wonder, he gazed at Glorfindel, who smiled lovingly at him. For long moments they just looked at each other, basking in the beloved presence before a question appeared in the blond elf's eyes.

Elrohir knew what his lover was asking, and the fact that after all these years the blonde still cared enough to ask his permission filled him with indescribable joy. Oh, how he wanted this. How he wanted to belong to the other just now, to feel him with every part of his being, to make him his and to become his in turn. A deep longing took hold of him that could only be fulfilled by the one he loved.

Swallowing deeply and nodding his consent, he uttered a soft yelp of surprise as he was suddenly swept up into muscular arms and carried towards the petal-covered bed. Elrohir fought the urge to giggle with delight as he snuggled into the well-loved embrace, burying his face in the crook of Glorfindel's neck and inhaling the familiar scent.

He felt the arousal softly humming through his body, not enough to be painful yet, but sufficient for him to feel almost light-headed with the anticipation of what was to come. Glorfindel walked to the side of the bed with his precious burden and carefully set him down in the centre of the mattress before straightening up again.

Slowly he walked around until he stood at the foot of the bed, gazing down at his lover. Elrohir raised himself up on his elbows to better see what Glorfindel was doing, and felt his breath catch at the sight that met his eye.

In the soft moonlight streaming in through the window he almost looked like a divine being, illuminated in an ethereal glow that added silver to his gold in the most beautiful of ways. His nude form glistened with a slight sheen of sweat, and Elrohir drank in the vision before him as his eyes caressed the beloved figure.

As his eyes travelled further down they encountered his lover's semi erect-shaft. Elrohir felt his blood pool in his own groin at the sight, and he unconsciously licked his lips as he tried to devour Glorfindel with his eyes. The need to be joined with his lover, to feel the smooth skin on his almost overwhelmed him, and suddenly his robes felt horribly constricting.

As if reading the half-elf's thoughts, Glorfindel started moving onto the bed, crawling towards his lover on his hands and knees, a predatory look in his eyes that made Elrohir shiver in excitement. He moved his body over Elrohir's with graceful motion until they were face to face once more, and Glorfindel lowered his head until their noses were almost touching.

Elrohir could feel his lover's breath against his lips, and his eyes fluttered close in expectation of what was to come. Glorfindel, however, apparently felt like teasing his beloved as he used his tongue to trace the other's lips, all the while rubbing his body sensually against the one beneath him.

Finally Elrohir could not stand it any longer, and his hands clasped the Balrog Slayer's hair to yank him forward so their mouths finally met in a searing kiss that sent jolts of pleasure all the way to Elrohir's toes. He was beginning to feel annoyed with his state of dress, and his hands left his lover's hair to work on removing his offending robes.

Glorfindel, though, had other ideas, and a moment later Elrohir found his arms pinned to the pillow on either side of his head by strong hands. As he opened his mouth to protest, Glorfindel quickly kissed him again before any sound could make it past his lips, and as he pulled back he just looked at Elrohir lovingly, mutely shaking his head as the half-elf attempted to speak once more.

Giving in, Elrohir resigned himself to his fate, although his reluctance left a lot to be desired. Satisfied that his young lover would comply with his wishes, Glorfindel released the trapped hands and set to work on his beloved's robes. He started out caressing the cloth covered chest once more, enjoying the tremors he could feel running though the body under his hands. He let one finger trail along the row of shining buttons that held the front closed before starting on the uppermost one. Slowly undoing the first two buttons, he watched with satisfaction how the chest began to heave faster, how Elrohir's breathing quickened with his building arousal.

Suppressing a smirk, Glorfindel abruptly grabbed the front of the robe and yanked it open, sending the buttons flying in all directions and wringing a startled gasp from his lover. Before Elrohir had the time to recover or even voice a question, he had parted the front of the garment and was slowly running his tongue from the half-elf's navel to his right nipple. Elrohir gasped breathlessly at the sensation of the wet tongue on his heated skin, and released a throaty moan as said tongue swirled teasingly around his nipple, soon to be joined by nipping teeth.

Elrohir found it difficult to hold on to coherent thought as Glorfindel straddled him and then sat back on his heels, bringing his lover's body up with him. Elrohir let his head fall back when the Balrog Slayer moved from his nipple to the side of his neck where he sucked and bit gently, apparently intent on leaving a visible mark.

Glorfindel took advantage of their current position and slid the upper part of the robe off Elrohir's shoulders, thus leaving the garment pooled at his waist. Lowering his love gently to the bed again, Glorfindel scooted down a bit until he could undo the rest of the robe, and removed it with his remaining clothes.

All the while Elrohir was watching him through a pleasure induced haze. He had decided to surrender his body to the blonde's ministrations, and simply take pleasure out of the experience. As soon as both of them were fully naked, Glorfindel lay down on top of him, his hands swiftly caressing his beloved's sides while they shared another passionate kiss.

The younger elf sighed in pleasure as he finally felt his lover's skin on his, their arousals settling next to each other like they were meant to be, creating delicious friction. For long moments they stayed like this, kissing and rubbing against each other until Glorfindel released Elrohir's lips once more.

He was by no means done, though, for he proceeded to shower the dark-haired half-elf's face with tiny kisses; to his eyelids, to the tip of his nose and the corners of his mouth, until Elrohir was breathless with suppressed laughter. Glorfindel used his lover's distraction to roll them over so Elrohir was on top, straddling him, and as their eyes locked, the young Peredhel became serious once more.

There was a smouldering passion in Glorfindel's eyes he had seen countless times before, yet it still managed to melt his insides. Feeling inflamed with desire, he bent down and kissed the Balrog Slayer fiercely, possessively. As he came up for air, gasping, Glorfindel smiled at him with fire in his eyes, and only now did Elrohir notice that he held a small vial in his hand.

Looking questioningly at his lover, Elrohir did not have to wait long for his answer. With a smirk, Glorfindel opened the vial and poured some of the slippery liquid into his hand. The scent of roses filled the air, and Elrohir inhaled deeply as Glorfindel sat up and reached around him with practised movements.

Having done this numerous times before, it was only a matter of minutes until Elrohir was ready and awaiting the pleasures to come. Glorfindel then poured some of the rose oil into Elrohir's hand and sighed in delight as he felt his young lover's hand gently massage the liquid into his aching arousal.

Finally both were ready and Glorfindel moved his hands to Elrohir's hips, guiding him onto his lap. His head rolled back as he felt his shaft being engulfed by molten heat, and he could tell his lover was enjoying the experience as well, if his soft moans were anything to judge by.

At last they were fully joined, and both held themselves completely still, savouring the magic of the moment. No words had been spoken since Elrohir had entered the room, but none were needed now that they were one again. They conveyed their love for each other with every look, every touch and every moan they shared, and they revelled in this unique feeling neither of them had ever known before.

They spent several more moments in shared bliss before Glorfindel took the situation in hand once more. Letting his fingers trail down Elrohir's chest in a seductive caress, he looked deep into his lover's eyes and watched them widen slightly as his digits closed around the half-elf's erect shaft tenderly.

Having surprised his lover in this way, Glorfindel made use of the moment and thrust upwards firmly. Elrohir's eyes widened even further and his mouth opened, but no sound would escape him even as Glorfindel repeated the motion. The blond elf rolled his hips slightly before thrusting again, and this change of angle appeared to have the desired effect as Elrohir let his head fall back, a deep moan escaping his still parted lips.

Glorfindel smiled, pleased that he had found his beloved's pleasure spot so quickly. He gripped Elrohir's hips with both hands to help steady him, and at the same time raised him up a bit. Then he waited until Elrohir had recovered, and just as the Peredhel lifted his head once more to look at him, he thrust up powerfully several times, which caused the younger elf to cry out in surprise.

Pleasure raced through Elrohir as Glorfindel hit his sweet spot again and again, and soon all control he might have exhibited began to fade. Caught in the throes of a burning passion, and filled with the need to give his lover as much pleasure as he received, he pushed Glorfindel down onto his back.

Steadying himself with his hands on Glorfindel's sculptured chest, he began to move, letting his lover slide almost all the way out of his body before pushing himself back down. His eyes never left Glorfindel's face, and he smiled as he watched the fair features contort in pleasure as the blond elf tried to hold on to his control.

Elrohir continued his rhythmic movements as he felt the pressure building inside himself as well. Increasing the pace, the half-elf changed the angle once more as he bent backwards slightly, thus causing his lover's arousal to drive even deeper inside him, and he groaned in delight.

This distraction was all Glorfindel had been waiting for, and he took control of the situation yet again, intent on making his lover lose control. He sat up slightly, which moved him deeper still, and at the same time he reached for Elrohir's leaking shaft. Before the Peredhel could react in any way, his hand had moved along the engorged flesh several times, stroking firmly and making Elrohir moan continuously.

Glorfindel sped up his thrusts while continued stroking his lover with one hand, the other arm steadying Elrohir whose strength seemed to have deserted him. The Peredhel had taken hold of Glorfindel's shoulders and was holding on desperately as he fought for control over his body. His lover would have none of it, though. He wanted to see his beloved lose himself in the throes of passion, and so he stroked more firmly while he bent down to lick the half-elf's nipple before scraping it firmly with his teeth.

The added stimulation proved to be Elrohir's downfall, and he squeezed his eyes shut even as a wordless scream was ripped from his throat as his cream spilled across Glorfindel's fingers and onto his chest. Glorfindel ground his teeth as Elrohir's body convulsed around him.

Only after long minutes had passed did his lover quiet down and he slumped against Glorfindel, exhausted. He had not experienced such an intense orgasm in some time, and it left him feeling content but weak. He was sure his legs would refuse to support him for quite a while.

However, after several moments of satiated silence had passed did Elrohir realise that something was not as it should be. Trying to sort out his still jumbled thoughts, he finally became aware that Glorfindel was still inside him. And was still erect.

Casting a questioning look at the Balrog Slayer, he was met with a brilliant smile as Glorfindel carefully pulled out and sat down close to him. "I promised you the long version of my tale, and I tend to fulfil my promises."

Elrohir's slightly confused look was met with a warm laugh, and Glorfindel pressed a loving kiss to the swollen lips. "It was never my intention to come during our first lovemaking tonight. I have further ... plans for you, beloved."

Again Elrohir's eyes grew wide, and the innocence he projected in this moment made Glorfindel's heart ache with love. Wanting to be close to his beloved again, Glorfindel stood up carefully and held out his hand to Elrohir. The younger elf looked at the extended hand for a few moments before his eyes met his lover's, and a brief expression of regret crossed his features.

"I do not believe my feet will support me yet, love. You have apparently worn me out," he added with a contented smile. Glorfindel grinned at that and bent down to the dark haired elf. "Oh, I do not think this is going to be a problem, pen-neth. There is only one part of you that needs to stand, and I am not referring to your feet." Before Elrohir could react to the teasing remark, Glorfindel had once again lifted him into his arms and straightened up carefully, mindful of his own peculiar situation.

He enjoyed that he was able to do this, especially since Elrohir normally did not like being carried around. Looking down at his faintly pouting lover, he kissed the tip of his nose before slowly and carefully walking them towards the bathroom.

"We will continue our ... discussion in the bathroom, beloved. There is much we have about." Laughing as Elrohir failed to hold on to his sour expression, and an expectant smile spread across his face, he entered the bathroom with his dear burden, intent on talking things out for the rest of the night.