New Traditions

Notes: Part of the "Unexpected Love story arc". Might be used in "Saving Grace". This is the 2004 Christmas triple drabble for Jay.

Translation of Elvish: Meleth - love. Peredhel - half-elven. Goheno nin - forgive me. Pen-neth - young one. Melethen - my love.

The door closed with a loud 'bang' and the sleepy Balrog Slayer raised his head. Oh, oh... Elrohir was positively fuming. "Meleth?"

"What in Námo's name is this?" he held up one of the chocolate apples Glorfindel had put into the peredhel's boots last night.

"That, my dearest Elrohir, is the newest winter solstice tradition." He beamed up at his mate, but Elrond's younger son kept on glaring. "Have you found the second as well?"

Elrohir's eyes were blazing as he lifted his left foot for the blond to see. "I found it alright! In fact, I am still standing in it."

'Oops.' Putting on his best 'beaten puppy' expression, Glorfindel whispered, "Goheno nin, pen-neth. I thought it was a good idea..."

Shaking his head at the Elda, Elrohir said, "Well, I sincerely hope you have not done something similar..." He could not finish his sentence, because at that moment someone began to knock at their door rather insistently. "My Lord Glorfindel!" That was Elrond's voice.

Smirking, Elrohir gestured towards the door from where his father's angry voice still sounded. "But judging from this, I would say you did. Well, Happy Solstice, melethen. I shall leave you now to deal with your victims." At the Balrog Slayer's groan, his smirk became truly wicked. Turning around, he strode towards the door and, opening it, was met with a rather interesting sight. Not only his angry father was waiting there, but half the populace of Imladris had turned up by now. "He is in there," Elrohir said, chuckling to himself. Then he walked away, hoping that his lover would be still alive come evening...