Chapter 5 - Grievous Parting

With Haldir surrounded by his people, Éowyn left the Hall. The darkness was getting even deeper; she had to fight to remain on her feet. Down by the gate she could see shadows moving, only one person did she really see, Legolas. His elven skin shone in the dark, just like Haldir's. It seemed as if he was preparing to leave. She ran towards him, almost stumbling down the steps in front of Meduseld. Slowly the shadows turned to men, some that she knew, some that she didn't.

She had heard from one elf that a small host of rangers had arrived, seeking for Aragorn. 'It must be them,' she thought. Legolas saw her first and bowed to her. Aragorn and Gimli following suit as well as some of the other men. "What is the meaning of this?" Then she remembered the conversation she had had with her brother, back at Helm's Deep, only just yesterday. Fear in her voice she turned to Aragorn, "You can't seriously consider taking that road. It's folly! No one's ever returned from that path. Why seek certain death while you and your sword are sorely needed here. You won't be able to help us as a ghost." With a pleading look she added, "Please, don't forsake those that need you."

She had accepted the reality, but still her heart was aching for him. Legolas took one of her hands and led her away from the others, Aragorn following them in silence. "This is the road that is intended for him, he is no mere ranger, Éowyn..." Legolas caught his lover's eye, Aragorn only nodded. "He is the heir of Isildur." Éowyn's eyes widened, disbelieve in them. The heir of Isildur? But that would mean that he was the lawful king of Gondor. "This cannot be," she finally said while shaking her head. "It is, fair Lady of Rohan, I have fought my destiny, but at long last I gave up the fight. This is my future, if I should survive the path that is before me."

She could hardly take all of the news in. No mere ranger, heir to the throne of Gondor. And bound to an elf. What would his people make of that? Was there a chance for her yet? 'Only one to have his body,' she thought, 'to give him an heir. But never his heart.' Only now did she fully understand it. Had she thrown herself at him, he wouldn't have fought her off, not necessarily at least. But it would only have been a small piece of him; his heart belonged to another. Not even the love she felt in her heart could ever make her sink this low. No, she would keep him in her heart forever, and then die alone. Legolas had been mistaken, there was no place for a new love in her life, and there never would be.

When she raised her gaze again, it locked with Legolas'. Apparently he had read her mind because he said, "Your heart is greater than you think, I have told you that I see love in your future, and it is coming ever closer. A love as great as the one..." Éowyn finished for him as she could see the unease in his eyes, " share with Aragorn. I wish I could believe that. But my heart only feels sore right now. Forgive me, I did not mean..." Legolas smiled and squeezed her hand. "Next time we meet you will be with him." Did he know who it would be? Why didn't he tell her?

Legolas just smiled and raised her hand to his lips. "Until we meet again fair Éowyn." With that he turned and walked back to the horses. She was alone with Aragorn, with the man she wanted so badly, but now was no longer willing to give herself to. "Legolas is right, I can see it as well." His hand reached out to stroke her cheek, "It's clearly written in your eyes. Love, but not the love for me. It will light a fire in you; you will gleam like the sun from within. Just wait and see." Then he took her into his arms, a friendly gesture, but she was not prepared for it as yet. Her body tensed against his and he released her. "Forgive me," he muttered.

She stared at him, "King of Gondor? I still find it hard to believe that. I only wish you could claim your heritage in a less dangerous manner. Your people need you, return to them." She bowed to him, "Rohan will be glad to have you as an ally." There she was again, the proud Shield-maiden, speaking not for herself but her people, those who loved her and who she loved. With a last glance at Legolas she turned and went back up to the Golden Hall. Her brother was passing her and saw her face, set and still filled with a sadness that made his heart almost stop. Something had been taken from her; it would never be restored.


Haldir had also heard that the Dúnedain had arrived and that Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli were setting out with them. Setting out on a road that even he would not have taken voluntarily. Éowyn had been seen talking to the ranger and the elf, what had passed between them?

He was alone again; his comrades had retired to their own chambers once he had convinced them that he was indeed on the way of recovery. Against his will his thoughts returned to Éowyn, how she had smiled at him, the gleam in her eyes. His shock when she had collapsed. The feeling when her hand had touched his cheek, seeing her lost cousin in him. The warmth of her body when he held her shoulders. Finally he knew who she really was, seeing her so weak before him had reached his heart. Suddenly he felt compassion for her, and something else he could not name yet.

He found himself waiting for her return, longing to see her face again, hear her voice. What was going on? Never before had anyone caused him to feel this way, this was folly, stupid. She was a mortal, only a girl, no one worthy of the affections of him, Chief Guardian of Lórien, a First-Born, immortal. He forced himself to think of something else. His brothers, Rúmil and Orophin, how glad would they be to see him again. He smiled to himself. They would be together again, in the Golden Wood, as they had been for centuries. This little girl would not be able to interfere there. Éowyn again, he cursed himself.

Soon they would leave Arda, passing over to Valinor, the Undying Lands. She would remain here, and she would die. He had never been able to understand Legolas, binding his soul to one of these fragile humans. They were weak, their bodies only made for a short time. Aragorn's death would surely mean the end for the beautiful Elven Prince of Mirkwood. But still, there was one thing that Haldir envied Legolas for. He had at least found love; even after millennias Haldir had never felt the need of being with someone other than his family. He had had lovers, but none of these elf maidens had been able to touch his heart. And now he felt it beat for this mortal woman.

No matter, he would not give in to this sudden madness. It would pass, of course it would. After a few centuries he would not even be able to recall her name. Or the face that had just re-appeared in the doorframe. She looked tired; something was missing in her eyes. "They are gone," he stated. She only nodded. Softly she closed the door behind her and walked over to the window. "They are, I've been a fool all along. You were right, I never stood a chance." Sadness, but no tears in her voice. "Legolas spoke of my future, claimed that he saw love in it. A new love, a stronger love..." she stopped abruptly as if she only now realised who she was talking to.

She turned to face him, "Forgive me." He could see that she was trying hard to find another subject she could bring up. "How do you feel? Would you like something to eat?" Eyes almost pleading. "No, I already had something." 'I am not going to make it this easy for you.' She swallowed hard, "You must be tired, try to rest for a while. The night is surrounding us. I fear that there won't be a dawn tomorrow." He could see that the darkness was affecting her. He had to force himself to think strait as well. Maybe it was Sauron's making, this sudden longing for the woman before him?

"I will be back at dawn, or at the hour of dawn. We still have to bathe you," she added with a smile. The she was out of the door again. He stared at it for a long time. No, he did not long for her; he loathed her.