Notes: Begins right after the "It was love to me scene" in 4.01. Let's just say, Brian did something, Justin didn't approve of.

Part 1 - The Evil Feelings-Virus Strikes Again

JUSTIN: You are mean to me *huge frown*

BRIAN: And that's new, how?

JUSTIN: Ehm...not new...but still...


JUSTIN: It is fun to complain about it *sticks out tongue* You mind?

BRIAN: Nope, it's rather cute...

JUSTIN: Ehm...I do NOT do cute!!!

BRIAN: Sure you do, Sunshine...

JUSTIN: Ehm...well...when you are sweet, Mr Kinney *winks*

BRIAN: *speaks in a very sarcastic way* Oh, but I am sweet...

JUSTIN: *big smile* And you are adorable, especially when you are moping and sarcastic *winks*

BRIAN: Me? Adorable? Alright then... *gets all serious* See these men in their lovely white clothes? They won't hurt you, I promise. They'll only give you a nice new jacket...

JUSTIN: *puts on the Sunshine smile* And you sooooo love me. You sooooo care about me...

BRIAN: Case in point.

JUSTIN: And we both know it *winks*

BRIAN: You clearly are delusional.

JUSTIN: You need a bit nuttiness in your life *winks again*

BRIAN: Maybe an after-effect of the bashing... Sad, real sad.

JUSTIN: Actually...rather an after-effect of loving YOU. But I don't mind at all.

BRIAN: How often do I have to tell you? Love is bullshit. It's for straight people... So, you thinking you love me is actually a very serious mental illness, seeing that you're gay and all...

JUSTIN: Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know. Tell you what...the love is bullshit theory is the REAL only matters what YOU make of love. *smiles* And not really an illness...more like a permanent and very pleasant condition *sticks out tongue*

BRIAN: So it's a fatal illness then? Sad... and very inconvenient. Might have to go out and find myself a new twink...

JUSTIN: Nope...not at all. It actually might increase ones life span *grin* And YOU wish!

BRIAN: Oh no. It might be a STD, so I'm not touching you again, Sunshine. Done, finished, kaputt.

JUSTIN: Ehm...I HATE to tell you, but.... see...this condition...

BRIAN: Yes, Sunshine? I'm waiting... But better make it quick, cause I've places to go and guys to fuck.

JUSTIN: Well, I'm afraid the condition is highly contagious... it is transferred through intense oral contact *smirks*

BRIAN: Which ends at this point...

JUSTIN: Well, but given the amount of time, and the resulting amount of VERY intense oral intercourse we've had since we met...your chances of not being infected are about 0,0001 percent. *grins* So you can either stay with me, or you can make the next ugly trick you kiss fall madly in love with you and stalk you *smiles sweetly*

BRIAN: I have you know that I make it a rule NOT to kiss them...

JUSTIN: Oh, so I am the only one you kiss these days, yes? Why, seems you DO care after all... *inches closer with a smug and somewhat predatory look on his face*

BRIAN: Fuck off, you little shit!

JUSTIN: *a big grin is spreading over his face as he slowly advances* What is it, Bri? You aren't scared of a little blond twink like me, are you? *huge grin*

BRIAN: Which part of "fuck off" don't you get? *grabs the JB*

JUSTIN: know, I'm just a blond twink. I can be a bit...slow *smirks* But you know..."fuck" sounds pretty good right now... *pries the JB out of Brian's hand and drowns the shot himself and licks his lips suggestively*

BRIAN: See if I touch you again, with your contagious disease...

JUSTIN: Aaaahhhh...but it is FAR too late for prophylactics now... and you know you can't resist me *flashes the sunshine smile*

BRIAN: *sighs* I should have left you standing there, under that fucking street lamp... Why the fuck do I put up with you?

JUSTIN: I can't resist me. And you love me. But if it makes you feel better, you can always blame it one some obscure incurable disease *grins and then pushes Brian back on the futon cushion*

BRIAN: And who put you in charge all of a sudden? *shakes head* Twinks today...

JUSTIN: Do you say you don't like me in charge at times? *straddles Bri*

BRIAN: You may think that you're in charge... But you aren't, not really.

JUSTIN: Are you absolutely sure about that, Bri? *squirms a bit on Bri's lap and starts nibbling on his chin*

BRIAN: Fuck you, you little shit! *pushes Justin onto his back*

JUSTIN: *wraps his legs around Brian's waist and pushes until they roll over and he lands on top of Bri* Hmm...that is better...

BRIAN: Ouch! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!

JUSTIN: Making a point....and trying to get us into a more comfortable position *he grabs Bri's shirt and rips it open*

BRIAN: Have you got no respect for my clothing?! That shirt was perfectly fine! I so hope you can sew on buttons, cause that's what you'll be doing for the next hour. *pushes Justin off and searches for the torn-off buttons*

JUSTIN: You are SO full of shit, Bri! *pounces on him and straddling his ass* Hmmm...I like this position even better...

BRIAN: Get off me this instance!

JUSTIN: Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you want that? *slides open shirt down Bri's arms and then his tongue slowly up his spine*

BRIAN: Fuck you... *rolls over and pushes Justin back* You seriously think that I'm going to let you fuck me after this *points towards shirt* And after all that emotional stuff you want to infect me with? No way!

JUSTIN: Who said it has to be ME fucking YOU? *pushes hips up into Brian's and licks his lips* And it isn't as if you haven't been infected already...a looong time ago, actually *licks Bri's neck*

BRIAN: That might be what you think. But you're in fact sadly fucking mistaken! *rises to his feet and walks up the steps to fetch a new shirt*

JUSTIN: Oh, is that so? *grins mischievously and goes after Bri, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and toppling them both on the bed* I know you, Bri *he licks Brian's ear while he whispers* I know what you want, what you need...

BRIAN: Do you now...

JUSTIN: Hmmmm...yes....*slides hand around and runs it slowly down Bri's chest towards his cock, stroking softly* And I know what I want...what I need...

BRIAN: *feigns interest* And what would that be?

JUSTIN: *smirks against Brian's neck* Wanna guess? *gives the cock in his hand a hearty squeeze*

BRIAN: *makes himself as comfortable as possible* Oh, I think you want to take a really cold shower right now...

JUSTIN: *squeezes Bri some more and starts biting his earlobe* Close, but not quiet. Try again. *slowly starts to unbutton Bri's pants*

BRIAN: *bites lower lips to stop himself from moaning*

JUSTIN: *smirks*

BRIAN: Fuck it, Justin! *rolls over, ending up with Justin spread out underneath him* Do you know what you're asking for, huh?

JUSTIN: That wasn't the right answer either, but I'll give you a third try. *suddenly turns serious and starts caressing Bri's chest* What is your problem, Brian? Honestly?

BRIAN: My problem? You! I thought we'd already reached that conclusion ages ago. I should have left you standing there, under that street lamp... And my life would have been so much easier...

JUSTIN: *shuts him up with a deep kiss* Stop babbling, Bri! *continues with his oral assault*

BRIAN: *breaks off the kiss* I'm serious, Justin... Without you there wouldn't have been any stupid Proms, hospitals, fiddlers... *can only just stop himself from covering his lips with his hands*

JUSTIN: *sits up and stares intently* Ok, and now you tell me what your REAL problem is. Cause I don't buy all that bullshit about you wishing you had never met me. If you didn't want me here, honestly didn't want me...I wouldn't be. So spill...

BRIAN: *tries to swallow around the lump in his throat* I ... I go take a shower...

JUSTIN: *holds onto Bri desperately and drags him back* Oh no, you don't! In all the time since we met I've never known you to be a chicken ... at least not when it was really important. Please don't start now. *gaze softening, he gently cups Bri's cheek and softly strokes his thumb over his lips.* can tell me...

BRIAN: *looks anywhere but at Justin* Oh, I don't know. I'm broke, don't have a job...might have to sell the loft, and what then? You think I could stay at the Munchers? Or, yes! How about I move in with you and Daphne! *pulls away*

JUSTIN: BRIAN! STOP! RIGHT! THERE! *pulls him down and rolls them around so he's on top and straddling Brian* You are talking total bullshit, you know it? We'll find a way. You don't have to do this on your own. And yes, if necessary you could live with me and Daph *smirks* Bet she would love that... But what is important is that I don't care if you are broke, or jobless, or homeless. I only care that we are together. And that you don't push me away when things get rough...*his eyes fill and he blinks several times, sniffling*

BRIAN: *blinks and clears throat* Yeah, I bet she'd like that. She always had this crush on me...well, who could blame her...

JUSTIN: *glared at Bri through still moist eyes and hits him on the chest* Asshole...don't try to change the topic here...I meant what I said. And you very well know it. I know you don't wanna hear it at times, but I love you. And I'll stick with you no matter what. You won't get rid of me... *watery smile*

BRIAN: You tell yourself that, Sunshine. Remember the Rage party? I wanted to get rid of you and I did...

JUSTIN: But I came back, didn't I? After I realised how stupid I've been. And that I should have known you would try and push me away. I won't make that mistake again. EVER. *looks stubborn and determined*

BRIAN: What did I tell you before? You're still young...

JUSTIN: But I've lived through more already than most. And I know what I want. I want you. I've tried the romance shit with Ethan, and I realised that it was just that. Bullshit. But what I have with you...what I feel for you...that is real. And I want it. So stop fighting me already *glares*

BRIAN: And what, pray tell, do you have with me? I'll never give you what you want! What you des...

JUSTIN: *places hand over Bri's mouth to stop him* You still don't understand, do you?

BRIAN: *turns head to the side*

JUSTIN: That is the one thing I learned from all this Ethan-mess. That YOU give me exactly what I need. I just didn't realise it before. That you WANT to give me what I need...that is far more than many couples have...*smirks crookedly*

BRIAN: You little shit! If you want coupledom, go ask Mikey and Ben, maybe they can hook you up with someone...

JUSTIN: *kisses Bri again forcefully* Will you just shut up? I never said WE are a couple. I just said we have MORE than most couples. But maybe you should ask yourself how YOU see us...since you instantly thought I was referring to us...*smirks evilly*

BRIAN: Cut the crap, Justin. I'm not seeing us in any way! *swallows around the lump that seems to be growing*

JUSTIN: Are you sure of that? *cocks head to the side* Brian... I don't want any declarations of undying love. But maybe if you would stop fighting so hard, it would be a lot easier for both of us. I am not your enemy...and neither are you... *takes Bri's hand and links their fingers*

BRIAN: *takes a deep breath* We're partners, okay?! Happy now?

JUSTIN: Very *moves in to lick Bri's lips* Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

BRIAN: *rolls eyes* You've no idea...

JUSTIN: And I'm all the more proud of you for saying it...not that I didn't know already, but it is nice to hear it once in a while *gently kisses Brian on the nose*

BRIAN: Will you cut it out?!

JUSTIN: *starts giggling helplessly* Sorry...I just couldn't resist. But honestly...It means a lot to me, and I wanna thank you properly... *grins*

BRIAN: Fuck off! As I said before, I'm going to take a shower ... while I can.

JUSTIN: *smirks* had your chance to have me at your mercy, doing everything you told me, fulfilling your wildest fantasies out of a profound sense of gratitude... but well...a shower does sound good, now that you mention it. *jumps off the bed and starts for the bathroom*

BRIAN: *swallows and runs his fingers through his hair* Fuck it all! I need a fucking drink!

JUSTIN: *stops and turns around* BEFORE you shower? Are you sure that is a good idea? I mean, you could slip and fall... you know, I once read that the older you get, the worse your sense of balance becomes. Especially under the influence of alcohol... *bites back a grin*

BRIAN: Shut the fuck up, you little shit! Besides, it's not like we have any booze anymore...

JUSTIN: *tries desperately not to grin* I know... but you know what? You could join me and wash my back...and if you ask nicely, I might even let you try out one of those fantasies... *wiggles eyebrows and then saunters into the bathroom*

BRIAN: Why would I wash your back, huh? You will wash my back, and maybe, maybe I'll then give you what you so desperately crave. Not that I can blame you. Everyone wants to be fucked by Brian Kinney... *whispers to himself* ...who will soon be out on the street...

JUSTIN: *shouts from the bathroom* BRIAN! Stop with that nonsense and get your ass in here or I'll start - and finish - without you. And stop being such a fucking pessimist...cause I know exactly what you have been thinking just now...

BRIAN: *sighs* And who invited you to join me showering by the way?

JUSTIN: *shouts over the running water* Well...if it bothers you, you can always throw me out. Or try throwing me out, rather. Now FUCKING get your moving before the water gets cold ... or I'll have to start without you *smirk*

BRIAN: *enters bathroom after shedding the rest of his clothing* So there's no getting rid of you, is there?

JUSTIN: Nope. already tried that. Didn't work back then, either. So not a chance. You might as well surrender now. *splashes a handful of water in Brian's direction*

BRIAN: Fuck, the floor is slippery as it is! *clears throat* So you'll stick around even though my days as your sugar-daddy seem to be over once and for all? *shakes head* And I thought I'd schooled you better than that...

JUSTIN: Brian, would you finally cut the crap?! *laughs* You were NEVER my sugar-daddy, even when you were paying for my education... if you remember, I certainly paid your back for your...generosity *faces in Bri's direction and licks lips* And I always thought you liked it slippery... *grins sunnily and splashes some more*

BRIAN: Let's see if you'll still be laughing when you fall on your bubble butt. And since you managed to get yourself suspended, we won't have to worry about your so-called education, now do we?

JUSTIN: Well, it seems we are both out of any obligations at the why not enjoy a bit of freedom? And I know you love my butt, so you would never let anything happen to it... *wriggles his ass suggestively into Brian's direction*

BRIAN: Guess I've to teach you about subtlety yet, don't I? But since you're asking so nicely...